Identify Fury Cue Models
9/20/2021 5:24:09 PM
Identify Fury Cue Models
Can anyone identify the model names of these Fury pool cues, or give me a buying link?
Identify Fury Cue Models
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 10/29/2021 4:45:58 AM
They are from the Fury ZS Series, circa 2013, so there won't likely be any "buying links".
From left to right, you have:
- Fury ZS-02 Pool Cue (sometimes as Fury FUZS02 cue)
- Fury ZS-03 Pool Cue (sometimes as Fury FUZS02 cue)
- Fury ZS-06 Pool Cue (sometimes as Fury FUZS02 cue)
Each were priced at $175 USD. They would be worth slightly less than this today, even though they are brand new. The reason is because any buyer today wouldn't have the benefit of the warranty.
Identify Fury Cue Models
- Title: Identify Fury Cue Models
- Author: ammar kutbi (Ammar Kutbi)
- Published: 9/20/2021 5:24:09 PM
- Last Updated: 10/29/2021 4:37:07 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)