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Identify a Very Old Pool Cue Shaft

Identify a Very Old Pool Cue Shaft

I have a very old and unique pool cue shaft that needs identification. The pool cue butt was stolen from me.

I don’t know who the maker is.

Can you please help me to identify this?

Identify a Very Old Pool Cue Shaft

Replies & Comments

  1. Eric Schonsbilliardsforum on 2/13/2022 10:26:49 AM

    It looks like you tried to upload a photo of your pool cue shaft, but it didn't come through.

    Can you try the upload again? The photos should be clear and well-lit, and should show the joint pin (or insert) in detail.

    We'll go from there.

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Identify a Very Old Pool Cue Shaft

  • Title: Identify a Very Old Pool Cue Shaft
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/13/2022 7:07:15 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2022 10:25:21 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)