Identify a Predator Cue Model and Value
9/1/2018 3:02:34 PM
Identify a Predator Cue Model and Value
Can someone help to identify this Predator pool cue model and value it?
Identify a Predator Cue Model and Value
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 9/4/2018 4:41:23 AM
It's a Predator Sneaky Pete cue.
It's either a:
Predator SPJU cue from the Predator Sneaky Pete series. MSRP was $405:
Predator SPW cue from the Predator 2K Series. MSRP was $325:
I am not 100% sure on the difference, and can't tell based on the photos in the Predator cue archives.
Regardless of which model it is, it might fetch between $100 and $150 plus around $75 to $100 for the shaft. This is just a guideline though. Now that you know the model (more or less) you can research the market for current pricing.
- Teresa on 9/5/2018 2:58:13 PM
Thank you for the information on the Predator cues!
- user1617498062 on 4/3/2021 6:01:03 PM
I am trying to buy this Predator cue and shaft from a widow.
She has no idea what this cue is worth.
Identify a Predator Cue Model and Value
- Title: Identify a Predator Cue Model and Value
- Author: Teresa
- Published: 9/1/2018 3:02:34 PM
- Last Updated: 9/4/2018 4:24:57 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)