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Identify a Fairly Old Cue with No Logos or Names

Identify a Fairly Old Cue with No Logos or Names

I need some help to identify an unknown and unbranded older pool cue.

Any help that anyone can provide in terms of the cue maker, model, and age would be appreciated.

It has a pro taper, good balance, and is made from a nice wood. It shoots nicely.

  • 5/16 x 18 joint pin
  • Butt 29” and 15.7 oz
  • Shaft 29-1/4” and 4.1 oz
  • Total 58-1/4" and 19.8 oz
  • Tip and ferrule are 13.1 mm
  • Balance point 17.6”












Identify a Fairly Old Cue with No Logos or Names

Replies & Comments

  1. elbaiteelbaite on 6/2/2022 2:57:59 PM

    After some sleuthing on the internet I think it looks to me like a plain Jane Adam cue without the logo on the butt cap.

    I would still like verification, a model number, or any other info someone might know.

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Identify a Fairly Old Cue with No Logos or Names

  • Title: Identify a Fairly Old Cue with No Logos or Names
  • Author: (John Warn)
  • Published: 6/1/2022 8:18:46 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/2/2022 3:59:25 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)