Identify a Bear Cue Model Number
3/11/2018 12:10:32 PM
Identify a Bear Cue Model Number
I am trying to identify a Bear pool cue model number. I bought a Bear cue last week and I can not find anything about it anywhere. If anyone has any information on this cue it would be great to know about it.
I have been looking for this particular Bear pool cue for a week now and I can't find it anywhere. Looking forward to any insight you might have on this cue.
Identify a Bear Cue Model Number
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/14/2018 8:30:00 PM
At first I was thinking this was a Bear cue from the modern line with the Bear logo:
This "Bear Cues" brand began in 1994 and is made by Falcon Cues (of Canada) for Dynamic Billiards, Germany. They are very good cues.
Created in 1994 by Dynamic Billard, Bear cues often feature individual handwork. High quality cues at very affordable prices, from excellent manufacturing to the highest
You could try reaching out to Dynamic Billard to see if they have any old brochures:
Falcon Cues may also be of some help, as they actually make Bear Cues for Dynamic Billiards.
I can't locate any catalogs from the earlier years and I don't know of any single cue with that same "Bear" lettering like that - in fact it might not even be the same "Bear Cues" brand as above. I am not sure.
There is a "Mark Bear Custom Cues" but I don't think it's one of those, as the style is very different.
Either way I will keep a look out for them, and let you know if anything comes up. Please do the same and let me know if you find out before I do.
billiardsforum on 3/14/2018 9:31:11 PM
By the way I just had a few people confirm that it IS an early Bear pool cue made by Falcon from before they changed to the triangle logo with the bear. This cue would be from around 1994.
user1579142643 on 1/15/2020 6:44:03 PM
Mark Bear makes single splice cues in VA I think.
I have a Bear Cue made by Bear when Bustamante was working with them in Germany. I would consider 1500.00 dollars for it. I got it from a German Senior 14-1 Champion in Germany named WolfGang Dagner!
billiardsforum on 1/16/2020 2:54:35 AM
@user1579142643 - would you care to share photos of your Mark Bear cue?
Identify a Bear Cue Model Number
- Title: Identify a Bear Cue Model Number
- Author: Sito2106 (Alfonso Cartagena)
- Published: 3/11/2018 12:10:32 PM
- Last Updated: 3/14/2018 6:55:17 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)