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Identify 1980s Mali Cue and Value It

Identify 1980s Mali Cue and Value It

I have a Mali cue from the 1980s and I am trying to figure out it's model name and value.

It looks like the one that is number 2 in that photo below.


How do I determine the value of this Mali cue?


Identify 1980s Mali Cue and Value It

Replies & Comments

  1. asloatbilliardsforum on 10/21/2020 1:48:11 AM

    I don't know the exact series and model for this Mali cue, but I can tell you that it's definitely not the one in that brochure page.

    Simple Mali cues like yours are worth somewhere in the $60 to $120 range.

    They often sell on eBay for under $100. Those priced over $100 often don't sell.

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Identify 1980s Mali Cue and Value It

  • Title: Identify 1980s Mali Cue and Value It
  • Author: (Andrew Sloat)
  • Published: 8/24/2020 6:13:18 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/21/2020 1:37:36 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)