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ID Snooker Cue "Made by Cue Craft for Drake Leisure"

ID Snooker Cue "Made by Cue Craft for Drake Leisure"

Can someone help me identify this snooker cue please?

The length is around 1525 mm.



ID Snooker Cue "Made by Cue Craft for Drake Leisure"

Replies & Comments

  1. jasonliubilliardsforum on 2/9/2021 4:41:38 AM

    The cue is identified by exactly what it says on the logo.

    It's a snooker cue made by Cue Craft (of England) for a company called Drake Leisure (likely a big leisure retailer).



  2. jasonliujasonliu on 2/9/2021 2:46:08 PM

    Thank you for the reply.

    Do you roughly know what the value/price of this cue is at right now?

    I'm just a beginner who wants to start getting into the sport.

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ID Snooker Cue "Made by Cue Craft for Drake Leisure"

  • Title: ID Snooker Cue "Made by Cue Craft for Drake Leisure"
  • Author: (Jason Liu)
  • Published: 2/9/2021 12:33:15 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/9/2021 4:32:31 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)