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ID Pool Cue with 7-Ball Logo (or letter "V" Logo)

ID Pool Cue with 7-Ball Logo (or letter "V" Logo)

Can anyone identify the maker and model of this pool cue with a 7-ball logo?

It might also be a letter "V" logo, depending on the angle you look at it.

I got the pool cue at a tag sale. It looks like a Viking logo but I've never seen one like it before.

It looks like a Wico Viking cue but not sure. Like I said, it looks like an old Viking cue with a Viking logo which I can't find anywhere.

Any other info on the cue and/or brand would be nice. I can't find this cue or the letter "V" logo anywhere on the internet.






And finally, here is a full picture of the pool cue:


ID Pool Cue with 7-Ball Logo (or letter "V" Logo)

Replies & Comments

  1. gregnbbilliardsforum on 5/24/2023 5:55:04 AM

    I am doubtful that it is a Viking cue. In fact, I don't believe that's a letter "V", but rather, I think it's a 7 ball (though I could be wrong, I still can't find any supporting materials to back up my claim).

    Perhaps a photo of the joint pin and shaft insert would help us as well.

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ID Pool Cue with 7-Ball Logo (or letter "V" Logo)

  • Title: ID Pool Cue with 7-Ball Logo (or letter "V" Logo)
  • Author: (Greg Weitz)
  • Published: 5/21/2023 2:21:45 PM
  • Last Updated: 10/4/2023 6:20:43 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)