ID Pool Cue Model with a Letter B Logo Near the Butt
7/19/2021 1:00:19 PM
ID Pool Cue Model with a Letter B Logo Near the Butt
I'm trying to ID this pool cue. It has a red and white colored wrap, and a logo of a letter "B" in a circle near the butt.
ID Pool Cue Model with a Letter B Logo Near the Butt
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 7/20/2021 2:49:07 PM
It is a Brunswick BC-12 cue from their "Deluxe Two-Piece Series" from 1982.
From the brochure:
The BC-12
The distinctively styled cue features select Indonesian hardwood butt with brown and white nylon cord wrapped grip with pearlized inlays. Brass-on-brass joint. Solid ramine professional taper shaft. Leather tip on crack resistant ferrule and rubber cushioned end are standard.
- TJ Smith on 7/20/2021 4:38:30 PM
How much is the Brunswick BC-12 Deluxe 2 Piece series cue worth?
- billiardsforum on 7/21/2021 5:23:29 AM
They're not worth very much at all. Less than $100 for sureābut most likely less than $50.
It's a lower-end cue, the ramine wood shafts aren't great, and it's new enough that it's not really collectible.
ID Pool Cue Model with a Letter B Logo Near the Butt
- Title: ID Pool Cue Model with a Letter B Logo Near the Butt
- Author: TJ Smith (Tammy Smith)
- Published: 7/19/2021 1:00:19 PM
- Last Updated: 7/20/2021 2:41:09 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)