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ID Pool Cue Model, Possibly from Adam Pool Cues

ID Pool Cue Model, Possibly from Adam Pool Cues

I was hoping that I could borrow your expertise in identifying an Adam pool cue.

It belonged to my late brother and I recently came across it while sorting through his belongings.

I don’t see any markings but I was told it may be made by Adam pool cues.





ID Pool Cue Model, Possibly from Adam Pool Cues

Replies & Comments

  1. nan349billiardsforum on 11/11/2021 12:33:48 PM

    I don't think that this is an Adam pool cue. It would almost certainly have an Adam Cue logo.

    There's nothing I can see in those photos that would make it stand out as being from one manufacturer or another.

    I'll continue to keep an eye out for it, and will let you know if anything comes up.

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ID Pool Cue Model, Possibly from Adam Pool Cues

  • Title: ID Pool Cue Model, Possibly from Adam Pool Cues
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/9/2021 12:58:46 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/11/2021 12:29:45 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)