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ID Models of 3 Meucci Cues and How Much They're Worth

ID Models of 3 Meucci Cues and How Much They're Worth

My father recently passed away and we found some of his Meucci cues. One is a "Meucci Original" and the others are "Meucci" branded.

I'm trying to identify the model names of each cue. I tried to find them on Google, but I couldn't find anything that looked the same. I have no information about them at all, besides a forth Meucci cue that we found the receipt for.

Does anyone have any tips on what model the Meucci cues are or a rough estimate on what they are worth?

I can provide more pictures if needed. Any help is much appreciated.

Meucci Originals Piano Cue 1:

P.S. I found plenty of Meucci Originals cues with the same piano keys and music notes but I could only find white-colored ones and none that were yellow like the one I have.


20210626_154223.jpg 20210626_154256.jpg

Meucci Cue 2:


20210626_154028.jpg 20210626_154034.jpg

Meucci Cue 3:


20210626_154521.jpg 20210626_154527.jpg

Thanks in advance for the help.

ID Models of 3 Meucci Cues and How Much They're Worth

Replies & Comments

  1. user1624716883cpb614 on 7/8/2021 4:03:44 PM

    Great cues!

    The Meucci Originals Piano Cue is amazing.

  2. user1624716883billiardsforum on 7/8/2021 5:38:50 PM

    Cue #1 - Meucci Originals 88-4E Cue

    The first cue is a Meucci Originals 88-4E cue, circa 1988-1992-ish. The cue you have would have been white when new. The type of plastic/resin Bob used tends to yellow like that over time.

    This one would be worth the most of the three. Depending on it's condition, they can bring between $500 and $800 (though it would have to be in nearly brand new condition for the higher-end). Give or take a $100 or so depending on the market at any given time, number of original straight shafts, etc.

    You also mentioned the "yellow coloring" - that's not a color option, it's simply the color of aging of the "white" plastic / phenolic resin.


    Cue #2 - Meucci M-14 Cue

    The second cue is a Meucci M-14 cue from the "Meucci Series" from sometime in the early 1990s.

    Depending on it's condition, it might be worth somewhere between $200 and $350, give or take. Maybe a bit more if you're lucky.


    Cue #3 - Meucci 95-15 Cue

    The third cue is a Meucci 95-15 cue from the "Meucci 95 Series" from sometime between 1995 and 1997-ish. This design did appear in some later series, but given the period of the other models, this one is the most likely.

    Depending on it's condition, it might be worth somewhere between $200 and $350, give or take. Maybe a bit more if you're lucky.


    Now that you know what models you have, please don't rely on these "general" valuations. Be sure to research the market where you are (or where you'll ship to) and when and you are actually ready to sell.

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ID Models of 3 Meucci Cues and How Much They're Worth

  • Title: ID Models of 3 Meucci Cues and How Much They're Worth
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/26/2021 7:14:44 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/8/2021 5:14:00 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)