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ID Model and Value of a "David Howard by Meucci" Cue

ID Model and Value of a "David Howard by Meucci" Cue

Can anybody help me figure out the model and value of a David Howard by Meucci cue?

IMG_1501.JPG IMG_1502.JPG

ID Model and Value of a "David Howard by Meucci" Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. user1620788535user1598119132 on 5/19/2021 12:46:04 PM

    It is a David Howard Meucci DH-1 Cue circa 1984.

    The shaft pictured is not the original shaft to this cue.

    The value would be not more than 100 € / $125.

  2. user1620788535billiardsforum on 5/21/2021 1:57:10 AM

    Even with the mismatched shaft, you can probably get more than $125 USD in the United States market. There's quite a large group of Meucci Originals collectors in the US and so demand is high for these.

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ID Model and Value of a "David Howard by Meucci" Cue

  • Title: ID Model and Value of a "David Howard by Meucci" Cue
  • Author: (Tommy Hansen)
  • Published: 5/11/2021 8:02:16 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/21/2021 1:50:39 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)