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ID Model and Price of a 2006 Viking Pool Cue

ID Model and Price of a 2006 Viking Pool Cue

Can you tell me the model # and price of this Viking cue?

I bought it around 2006.


ID Model and Price of a 2006 Viking Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. user1627484794billiardsforum on 8/5/2021 2:53:43 AM

    I didn't see this one in the Viking cue archives, but it might be from one of the series for which they don't have a brochure online. I've reached out to Viking Cue to ask about it, and here's what they've said:

    The design was in two different Viking cue lines which ran nearly simultaneously.

    1. The Viking W32 cue (from the Viking "W" series) which was made from 2003-2004. It had an MSRP of $900
    2. The Viking F03 cue (from the Viking "F" series) made from 2003-2007 with the same MSRP.

    It's a great looking cue. Here it is from the Viking F-Series catalog (which, coincidentally, is missing from the version of the F-series brochure in their archives online):


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ID Model and Price of a 2006 Viking Pool Cue

  • Title: ID Model and Price of a 2006 Viking Pool Cue
  • Author: (Frank Porter)
  • Published: 7/28/2021 8:06:36 AM
  • Last Updated: 8/4/2021 4:57:26 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)