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ID Cue with Letter "H" in a Diamond from 1960s

ID Cue with Letter "H" in a Diamond from 1960s

I have a vintage pool cue with a letter "H" on the butt cap from around 1960 that my dad bought new.

The only mark on the cue is the letter H inside a diamond.


ID Cue with Letter "H" in a Diamond from 1960s

Replies & Comments

  1. rdavoltbilliardsforum on 11/29/2019 4:18:43 PM

    @Chopdoc - I have the feeling that we've seen a cue or two like this before but I can't recall the brand nor can I find the question thread.

    Do you have any recollection of that?

  2. rdavoltrdavolt on 11/29/2019 6:09:03 PM

    My dad said he got it from Set's Billiards in Kansas City around 1960. They just went out of business this year before I could ask them.

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ID Cue with Letter "H" in a Diamond from 1960s

  • Title: ID Cue with Letter "H" in a Diamond from 1960s
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/1/2019 10:29:20 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/3/2020 3:28:20 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)