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ID Brand and Model of Old Cue with Letter "P" Logo

ID Brand and Model of Old Cue with Letter "P" Logo

I'm trying to identify a pool cue with a letter "P" logo.

Does anyone know the brand and model of this older cue?






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ID Brand and Model of Old Cue with Letter "P" Logo

Replies & Comments

  1. user1617570281billiardsforum on 4/5/2021 5:32:50 AM

    Someone else asked about this brand in the past (assuming it's the same), but we didn't find anything.

    I've been told it might be an older Phillippi Cue (from Phillippi Custom Cues), though I couldn't find a catalog showing this model. If it is a Phillipi cue, it would probably have his signature on the forearm (though those were sometimes lost via poorly done refinishes).

    I'm still looking into it, and I'll let you know if anything turns up. If you find any further info on the cue, please share it here.

  2. user1617570281jlrowe on 4/8/2021 8:17:05 PM

    Yep it is definitely Richard Phillippi cue.

    He used that letter "P" logo instead of signature for a while. I think that was around the late 1970s, which is around the era that this type of cue looks to be from, considering the inlays and box cue forearm.

    Very nice cue!

  3. user1617570281Mike M on 5/26/2022 9:20:04 PM

    How much do you want for the cue with the letter P?

    (434) 941-9314

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ID Brand and Model of Old Cue with Letter "P" Logo

  • Title: ID Brand and Model of Old Cue with Letter "P" Logo
  • Author: (Patrick Storey)
  • Published: 4/4/2021 2:04:42 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/5/2021 5:26:50 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)