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ID and Value of a Meucci Cue

ID and Value of a Meucci Cue

Can I get any information on the Meucci cue in this photo below?

I have came across it at a very good price and I would like more information on it.

ID and Value of a Meucci Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. guestbilliardsforum on 7/4/2015 6:57:59 AM

    That cue is a Meucci FR-1 B (brown version) from the Meucci Freshman Series.

    It is also known as the Meucci Freshman #1, the Meucci F-1 or the Meucci MEF-1. In the Meucci 2008 brochure, it was retailing for $475.

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ID and Value of a Meucci Cue

  • Title: ID and Value of a Meucci Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/3/2015 4:26:04 PM