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ID and Info on this Brunswick Pool Cue Model

ID and Info on this Brunswick Pool Cue Model

I'm looking for info on this Brunswick cue please.

Hopefully can pinpoint the model name and year it was made as well.


ID and Info on this Brunswick Pool Cue Model

Replies & Comments

  1. BigJoebilliardsforum on 3/7/2023 3:27:35 PM

    It is a Brunswick MER-6 pool cue from the Brunswick Meridian series, circa 2001-2004.

    MSRP in the 2001 Brunswick Billiards catalog was $229 USD. It's worth between $50 and $100 today, assuming that there are no condition issues.

    Though I don't have a concrete reference for this, I have read that the Brunswick Meridian cue series might have been made at the Falcon cue factory in Canada (before it moved production to Taiwan).


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ID and Info on this Brunswick Pool Cue Model

  • Title: ID and Info on this Brunswick Pool Cue Model
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/28/2023 6:12:51 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/7/2023 3:04:08 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)