ID an Unmarked Cue with a Very Coarse Threaded Weight Bolt
2/5/2023 11:21:26 AM
ID an Unmarked Cue with a Very Coarse Threaded Weight Bolt
I have an unmarked pool cue with a weight bolt that I cannot identify.
The threads are very coarse, and it doesn't look like a standard thread.
Any help would be appreciated.
ID an Unmarked Cue with a Very Coarse Threaded Weight Bolt
ID an Unmarked Cue with a Very Coarse Threaded Weight Bolt
- Title: ID an Unmarked Cue with a Very Coarse Threaded Weight Bolt
- Author: trb (Tom Beale)
- Published: 2/5/2023 11:21:26 AM
- Last Updated: 2/7/2023 9:18:53 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)