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ID a RCH-VIP Pool Cue and How Much is it Worth?

ID a RCH-VIP Pool Cue and How Much is it Worth?

I'm trying to identify the model name of this RCH-VIP pool cue.

It has a signature stamp on the forearm:

R. C. Helmstetter

It has the "RCH-VIP" logo on the joint collar.

How much is this RCH-VIP Helmstetter cue worth?




ID a RCH-VIP Pool Cue and How Much is it Worth?

Replies & Comments

  1. Doug Huskethbilliardsforum on 10/20/2021 1:43:22 AM

    Yours appears to be a Helmstetter RCH-VIP S-1 cue from the RCH-VIP line circa early 1990s.

    They were made and marketed by Adam Cue of Japan.

    The MSRP at that time of the RCH-VIP S1 cue was $180 (1992 price list). It is a basic pool cue at the lower-end of the series.

    Here's a 1992 catalog photo (though it's the "I1" model with their "high-impact resin" joint collar instead of the stainless steel version that you have).


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ID a RCH-VIP Pool Cue and How Much is it Worth?

  • Title: ID a RCH-VIP Pool Cue and How Much is it Worth?
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/17/2021 9:35:27 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/20/2021 1:27:03 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)