Help With Identifying Pool Cue
8/3/2017 3:47:43 AM
Help With Identifying Pool Cue
My grandfather gave me this pool cue. It's been sitting in my garage. Can anyone tell who made it by chance and possibly what it's worth? There's no name on it.
Help With Identifying Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/3/2017 6:09:34 AM
This would likely be an older Adam/Helmstetter pool cue (and a very nice one, at that). They sometimes had a logo on the buttcap, but many models had a simple decal which most removed after purchase.
The cue in this picture would be highly sought-after, you should have lots of demand if you decide to sell it.
I went through my catalogs and couldn't find this one, but my collection is nowhere near complete. Hopefully this points you in the right direction for your search, and let me know if you figure it out.
deckard1 on 8/3/2017 7:25:56 AM
Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. I have permission to sell it, so, assuming it is an older Adam/Helmstetter, how much would they generally go for price-wise? Estimated, of course.
Are they from Japan, by chance?
I am going to take the cue into a few pool cue stores here in Los Angeles to see if they wish to purchase the cue. Any tips? I fear I will be taken advantage of since I know nothing regarding pool.
Thanks again.
deckard1 on 8/4/2017 1:14:40 AM
Talked to several pool cue 'experts' today and it appears the cue stick is a Mali...very similar to an Adam. Valued at approximately $200-300.
billiardsforum on 8/9/2017 5:14:54 AM
Thanks for the update. Now that you said that, I was able to locate the cue in the Mali catalog from the 1970s-1980s when they were sold through the Palmer Billiard Corporation.
Yours is the Mali Model 144, and retail price was $199.50 in the late 1970s to early 1980s. I think you should be able to get $300 for it easily, and maybe more, depending on the condition.
Color in the scan is faded and not quite right, but it is definitely your cue.
deckard1 on 8/9/2017 10:31:53 PM
Thanks for the info and pics!
I sold the cue. The cue had a very small area that needed to be refinished. You can't see it in the photos I provided. So, I had to mark the cue down a bit. I sold the cue on Cragslist for $150. That's about what some pool cue experts said I could get for it.
Help With Identifying Pool Cue
- Title: Help With Identifying Pool Cue
- Author: deckard1
- Published: 8/3/2017 3:47:43 AM