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Help Identifying this Adam Chatsworth Snooker Cue

Help Identifying this Adam Chatsworth Snooker Cue

Can I get some help identifying this Adam Chatsworth cue?

I picked it up at a thrift store today and I have no clue. The cue has the "Adam" name and logo on the butt, and the word "Chatsworth" on the shaft.

It is 145cm long.

I will sell this cue, so I am also wondering the price range and whether it is for pool or snooker etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!





Help Identifying this Adam Chatsworth Snooker Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. norwayPoolbilliardsforum on 1/30/2025 4:45:34 PM

    It is an Adam "Chatsworth" snooker cue.

    Adam is the brand, and "Chatsworth" is the model name. The model number is most likely the Adam A/S-1 snooker cue.

    The cues in the line are named after, I believe, residences of the British Royal family.

    It is the lowest-end model in several of their snooker cue lines from over the years. As such, the value isn't great - $50 to $100 USD ballpark.

    See also:

    Here's the same model from two different lines over time. You can see the logo has changed a bit.

    adam-chatsworth-as1-snooker-cue.jpg adam-chatsworth-snooker-cue.jpg

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Help Identifying this Adam Chatsworth Snooker Cue

  • Title: Help Identifying this Adam Chatsworth Snooker Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/5/2024 5:43:48 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/30/2025 1:14:08 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)