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Anyone Able to Identify This Cue?

Anyone Able to Identify This Cue?

I picked up this pool cue at a thrift shop for five bucks. The sticker was long gone other than the outline, so I have no clue how old it is, much less the make or model.

I treated it with linseed oil for a week and had the tip and ferrule replaced.

It shoots like a dream, whatever it is.

Does anyone know the brand and/or model of this pool cue?



Anyone Able to Identify This Cue?

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Anyone Able to Identify This Cue?

  • Title: Anyone Able to Identify This Cue?
  • Author: (Bob Herle)
  • Published: 5/4/2022 5:11:34 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/19/2022 1:43:08 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)