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Age of Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn Signature Snooker Cue

Age of Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn Signature Snooker Cue

Below are the photos of my Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn signature 28oz snooker cue. If you can help me, I am trying to determine the manufactured date on this model of cue.








Age of Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn Signature Snooker Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. Brian Rbilliardsforum on 6/8/2018 6:46:35 AM

    I don't know an exact year or range of years but I think they were distributed in the UK exclusively by Peradon. You should start by reaching out to them, and I will continue to have a look on my end.

    I am going to ball-park it somewhere in the early 1980's (but possibly late 1970s) and here's why. Cliff Thorburn had professional status as a snooker player as of 1976, and was highest ranked snooker player from 1981-1982 (#1). It is likely the cues were done some time around or after this, as Thorburn was a top-ranked professional snooker player all throughout the 1980s.

    Here is a Riley Joe Davis cue (manufactured "by Dufferin") and that "by Dufferin" stamp is also stylized the same way. It was listed as a 1980's Dufferin Snooker cue, and this kind of confirms my thoughts above. Not sure how accurate that is though.

    1980's 2-Piece Riley Steve Davis Snooker Cue "by Dufferin"


    Also, I have seen similar (but not identical) Dufferin Joe Davis Signature cues, which has a "Dufferin Cue" logo stylized the same as the "Dufferin Pro" in your cue. Thus, we could say they are likely from the same era. For this one, the guy who posted it said it belonged to his Grandfather. That is a vague indicator of the cue's age.


    Give it a few more days, there are some other guys on here who may be able to provide additional detail on your snooker cue.

  2. Brian RBrian R on 6/11/2018 11:42:03 AM

    I too inherited this cue. Not from family but a good friend.

    Any suggestions on who collects Dufferin cues the US or Canada?

  3. Brian RThe Cue Collector on 1/15/2020 2:46:57 AM

    @Brian R - I collect Dufferin cues if you would like to get in touch.

    Gordon Radford

  4. Brian RBrian R on 1/22/2020 5:02:42 PM

    @The Cue Collector - I don't know who collects these Signature Dufferin cues but if you want mine and can pick it up (or pay for shipping from Toronto, Canada), then it is yours at no-charge.

    I am shedding my possessions, and want this cue to get to a good place. Again, you pay for any shipping if applicable but otherwise I am giving it away.

  5. Brian RThe Cue Collector on 1/22/2020 6:29:32 PM

    Hi @Brian R,

    My e-mail address is


    Do you want to e-mail me and perhaps send me your phone number, and I will contact you so we can continue this discussion on a non-public forum?

    I would be delighted to add the Cliff Thorburn cue to my collection and I am happy to pay shipping for the cue.

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Age of Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn Signature Snooker Cue

  • Title: Age of Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn Signature Snooker Cue
  • Author: (Brian Roberts)
  • Published: 6/7/2018 12:12:53 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/9/2018 9:30:07 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)