Info on Antique U.S. Billiard Chalk Chalker
2/17/2020 10:35:44 AM
Info on Antique U.S. Billiard Chalk Chalker
Would you have any info on this chalker? It reads:
The U.S. Crayon Co, Youngstown OH
U.S. Billiard Chalk
Made from the finest imported French Chalk
Info on Antique U.S. Billiard Chalk Chalker
Replies & Comments
user1638722956 on 12/5/2021 8:49:17 AM
Old pool chalk is kinda cool. I have a similar metal one that says "Passow" on it. Otherwise, it is nearly identical to the U.S. Billiard chalk posted here.
Do you have any inclination to sell this chalk? If so, would you take fifty bucks for it?
(918) 809-3170
RayMills on 12/8/2021 4:29:24 AM
If you click on his name, his profile tells you that he hasn't been on this site for a year, or even 22 months.
user1638722956 on 12/8/2021 6:11:37 PM
Wouldn't the site give him a notification that someone replied to his question?
RayMills on 12/9/2021 1:41:41 AM
It's possible, but he would have had to select that category of posts for notifications, not changed his contact info, still have the item, and, want to sell it, etc.
I'm just saying that he doesn't appear to be an interested "member" anymore.
billiardsforum on 12/10/2021 3:27:01 AM
- A notification went to the user who originally posted the question.
- Upon submitting a question, the default is to send notifications for that question (unless the user un-checks the box), even if not explicitly subscribed to the entire category.
Info on Antique U.S. Billiard Chalk Chalker
- Title: Info on Antique U.S. Billiard Chalk Chalker
- Author: William Ford
- Published: 2/17/2020 10:35:44 AM
- Last Updated: 2/19/2020 1:25:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)