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What is an Ero

What is an Ero

Seems like a simple question, but some discussion has come up surrounding what qualifies as an ERO, ERO being an eight ball run-out...


Playing 8-ball, player A breaks and pots one high and one low ball. Player A then proceeds to run the table, potting all the remaining low balls (or high, either way...) and sinks the 8-ball to win the game...

Is this an ERO...?

Some are saying no for the reason that one ball of both high and low were sunk on the break... Others, myself included, say yes, this is an ERO...


What is an Ero

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What is an Ero

  • Title: What is an Ero
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/24/2024 3:09:53 PM