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Eye Drops for Playing Pool

Eye Drops for Playing Pool

I use to suffer from blurred vision which was affecting my game at the pool table. It was the start of cataracts.

Since buying some eye drops (from ethosheaven.com) called "bright eyes", my billiard skill has improved so much and the colors have become much clearer. I would highly recommend this product if you are playing pool with bad eyesight and are looking for eye drops for billiards players.

Eye Drops for Playing Pool

Replies & Comments

  1. leo125billiardsforum on 3/27/2011 6:21:43 AM

    Disclaimer - Billiards Forum does not recommend using any product in your eyes. We strongly believe that a certified professional ophthalmologist should be consulted for any vision problems.

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Eye Drops for Playing Pool

  • Title: Eye Drops for Playing Pool
  • Author: (Leigh Allen)
  • Published: 1/19/2011 11:39:45 PM