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Help to ID My Coin-OP Pool Table Manufacturer

Help to ID My Coin-OP Pool Table Manufacturer

I bought this coin-operated pool table some time back and I am currently working on a proper refurbishment.

I need to identify the manufacturer of the pool table. Could anyone help?

I haven't had any luck so far on other forums.






Help to ID My Coin-OP Pool Table Manufacturer

Replies & Comments

  1. jcrosbilliardsforum on 9/4/2024 6:16:27 AM

    Unfortunately nothing is standing out for me as identifiable to pin down a manufacturer or brand.

    There's a possibility that when you pull out the scoring counters, ball return tray, or coin mechanism that one or more of those pieces will have some kind of reference or name on it... if that's the case, post here and we'll take a look.

    Best of luck with the refurbishment!

    Please do share some "after" photos when you're done.

  2. jcrosjcros on 9/4/2024 7:10:28 AM

    Thank you so much.

    I will certainly share some photos of the pool table when the restoration is done.👍

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Help to ID My Coin-OP Pool Table Manufacturer

  • Title: Help to ID My Coin-OP Pool Table Manufacturer
  • Author: (James Crossan)
  • Published: 6/5/2024 6:23:30 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/4/2024 6:11:34 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)