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How to Determine a Pool Table's Construction and Materials

How to Determine a Pool Table's Construction and Materials

When you look under a pool table, can you immediately see if it is made with MDF or solid hardwood?

It seems like every time I ask a seller if their pool table is solid wood or MDF or some type of plywood they don't have any idea.

Between that, and most not knowing the model of pool table it makes inquiries through Facebook marketplace quite difficult.

How to Determine a Pool Table's Construction and Materials

Replies & Comments

  1. BobKbilliardsforum on 10/5/2023 8:17:59 AM

    I guess you have to imagine that probably about half of the population would have no clue on how to tell if a pool table is made from solid wood vs. plywood vs. some other engineered wood product.

    A majority of home pool table owners only know the brand (that's if it has a name plate), and almost nobody knows the model.

    Certainly looking under the table can help, but often frames are made from different materials vs the rails, aprons, and legs, etc.

    A lot of sellers of pool tables on classified sites either inherited them from parents or relatives, or say things like "it came with the house when we bought it". Some sellers probably don't even play pool.

    So yes, 100% agreed that it can be tough for sure, unless the pool table is close by and you can see it in person.

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How to Determine a Pool Table's Construction and Materials

  • Title: How to Determine a Pool Table's Construction and Materials
  • Author: (Bob Kussy)
  • Published: 9/28/2023 10:17:57 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/29/2023 11:02:39 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)