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Boulevard Billiards Ocala FL

Visit the Bankshot Billiards Sports Bar & Grill Ocala page for info on the business here before Boulevard Billiards.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala FL

Boulevard Billiards Address

Boulevard Billiards Ocala

3741 E Silver Springs Blvd
Ocala, FL 34470-4903 USA
  • Marion County
  • Timezone: EST

Other cue sport businesses at this address:

Alternate Names

  • Boulevard Billiards Sports Bar & Grill Ocala
  • Donald Kreischer Boulevard Billiards

Contact Boulevard Billiards

Reach Boulevard Billiards using the contact info below:

Boulevard Billiards Ocala Phone Number

  • (352) 867-8100 (Boulevard Billiards Ocala Phone Number)
  • (352) 278-8335 (Boulevard Billiards Mobile Alternate Phone Number)

Boulevard Billiards Google+

  • https://plus.google.com/108164505185448751970

People and Employees from Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Pictures of the owners of Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL and/or Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL employees/staff.

Stephanie Osorio and Kristie Hall Lines Boulevard Billiards Ocala

Stephanie Osorio and Kristie Hall Lines, staff at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Bartender Kristie Hall Lines at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Bartender Kristie Hall Lines at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Photos of Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Store photos of Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Pool Hall Ocala, FL Storefront

The front entrance of Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Store front at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

The store front of Boulevard Billiards pool hall in Ocala, FL.

Photos from Inside Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Photos from inside Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL.

Diamon Pool Table at Boulevard Billiards Pool Hall Ocala, FL

The beautiful Diamond Billiards pool table at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

One of the Tables at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

One of the tables at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL Pro Shop

The pro shop and cue repair area inside of Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL is operated by Snapshot Cues.

Pool Tables at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Pool tables at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Valley Pool Table at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

A Valley pool table at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Restaurant at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

The restaurant, bar, and grille area at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL Bud Light Sign

A Bud Light sign over the bar area inside of Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Projector Screens at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Large projector screens for watching sports at Boulevard Billiards Bar and Grill in Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL APA Trophy Case

The pool league trophy case at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

APA Team Player Call at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

A poster at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL looking for APA pool league players.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL Bar Section

The bar area inside of Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

The Bar at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Large bar area at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL Sports Bar

The sports bar area inside of Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Dart Boards at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Dart boards at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Shooting Pool at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Shooting some pool at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Pool League Play at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Pool league play at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

APA League Play at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

APA league play at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Playing Pool at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL Pool Hall

Playing pool at Boulevard Billiards, an Ocala, Florida pool hall.

Shooting Pool at Boulevard Billiards Pool Hall in Ocala, FL

Shooting pool at Boulevard Billiards pool hall in Ocala, FL.

Full House at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

The main pool hall floor area inside of Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Pool Players at Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL

Pool players shooting pool at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala, FL Pool Players

The pool players crowd in to shoot pool at Boulevard Billiards in Ocala, FL.

The Boulevard Billiards Pool Hall in Ocala, FL

Pool players at the tables in the Boulevard Billiards pool hall in Ocala, FL.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala - Billiard Services

Pool cue services at Boulevard Billiards are offered through Snapshot Cues - the in-house pro shop. See links above for details.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala - Store Info

The in-house pro shop is run by Snapshot cues. See links above for details.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala - Pool Hall Info

The Boulevard Billiards pool hall in Ocala Florida is a non-smoking pool room that caters to pool players, both amateur and advanced, as well as darts players and sports fanatics.

We have 17 9' Brunswick Gold Crown pool tables and all are well maintained.

There is a full restaurant menu and a full liquor bar.

The APA leagues operate out of Boulevard Billiards multiple days a week.

We also run specials on pool table time:

  • $5 armband on Tuesday and Friday nights (We're famous for this)
  • $7 all you can play on Saturday nights

We are located on Silver Springs Blvd right next to the super K-mart (3741 E Silver Springs Blvd).

We host many pool tournaments and local events welcome all!

Boulevard Billiards is a family friendly pool hall, and minors are always welcomed, as long as accompanied by an adult.

Boulevard Billiards Ocala Business Information

Entity ID P13000061516
Entity Legal Name Boulevard Billiards, Inc.
Entity US State of Registration FL
Date Registered 7/19/2013
Entity Status Active
Business Type Domestic for Profit Corporation
Date of Last Data Refresh 2/14/2017

Boulevard Billiards Ocala Employees

Donald Kreischer
(Don Kreischer)
Owner, Boulevard Billiards Ocala FL
Diane ChauliacOwner, President, Boulevard Billiards Ocala
Seli LuzBartender at Boulevard Billiards FL
Kristie Hall LinesBartender, Boulevard Billiards Florida
Stephanie OsorioBartender, Boulevard Billiards Florida


  • Billiard Service
  • Billiard Supplies
  • Pool Halls


  • Billiard Equipment and Supplies
  • Pool Cue Repair Service

Other Businesses

View Other Billiard Businesses in The Area:

  • Title: Boulevard Billiards Ocala
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 2/14/2017 9:13:41 AM

Boulevard Billiards Ocala Comments

  1. Glenn TaylorGlenn Taylor from Pomona Park, FL on 6/1/2019 10:28:29 AM

    Hi Don,

    Glenn Taylor here. It's Saturday morning about 1:45 pm. I've been calling your pool hall for about an hour and a half and keep getting NO answer. I bet I've called about 11 times.

    My buddy and I wanted to drive over tomorrow, but wanted to make sure of the hours and what kind of pool tournament is happening on Sunday.

    Hope someone answers this.

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