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Billiards 4U Mesa AZ

NOTE: Billiards 4 U of Mesa Arizona is no longer in business and this location is CLOSED.

Billiards 4U Mesa AZ

Billiards 4U Address

Billiards 4U

3725 E Southern Ave Ste 6
Mesa, AZ 85206 USA
  • Maricopa County
  • Timezone: MST
Billiards 4U of Mesa, AZ is part of the Billiards 4U franchise/group of companies. Other nearby Billiards 4U locations include:

Alternate Names

  • Billiards 4U, LLC.
  • Billiards 4 U

Contact Billiards 4U

Reach Billiards 4U using the contact info below:

Billiards 4U Mesa Phone Number

  • (480) 396-1149 (Billiard Supply Sales)
  • (888) 257-3748 (1-888-BLRDS4U Billiard Sales - Toll Free)
  • (480) 383-9817 (Arizona Billiard Table Services)

Billiards 4U Website

  • http://www.billiards4u.com


  • sales@billiards4u.com
  • billiards4u@cox.net

Billiards 4U Mesa - Billiard Services

Billiards 4U offers pool tables services in Arizona including pool table moves, re-cloth, set-ups, and tear-downs.

Billiards 4U Mesa - Store Info

Welcome to Billiards 4 U. If you just discovered us, we're merchants turned billiards enthusiasts, turned billiards merchants! We exist to bring you the highest quality billiards tables, the best pricing and unparalleled customer service.

In the search for quality family time as well as activities that are enjoyable or all ages, more and more people are making room in their homes for a billiards table. This past year our family developed an interest in billiards. While looking for a table we found a great love for the sport and a wonderful family business opportunity.

Billiards is currently the fastest growing leisure sport and the number one choice for a game room. As a result of this growth there are quite a few "players" out there, as well as a lot of information and misinformation. We decided the average person really needed another alternative and Billiards 4 U came into being.

Our highest priority is to bring you a very pleasant and very simple buying experience. We offer a line of billiards tables manufactured up to and beyond the Billiard Congress of America standards. These tables are also beautifully constructed pieces of furniture, with all hardwood construction using traditional furniture joinery. Any one of these game tables will give your family years of enjoyment.

Lastly, we invite you to shop around. We did, you should too. Please, go to other retailers, compare prices, compare materials, you'll see our retails are not inflated. You can pay more for a table and you can certainly pay less, but with us, you can be sure you paid the right price.

Feel free to give us a call at: (480) 396-1149 with any questions you might have. You'll get a real live human being, not an automated phone maze.

Billiards 4U Mesa Business Information

Billiards 4U Mesa Employees

Sean RainwaterOwner


  • Billiard Service
  • Billiard Supplies


  • Billiard Table Recovering
  • Billiard Table Service
  • Billiard Table Repair
  • Pool Table Sales Dealers
  • Billiard Equipment and Supplies
  • Pool Table Movers

Other Businesses

View Other Billiard Businesses in The Area:

  • Title: Billiards 4U Mesa
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/2/2014 10:18:03 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum

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