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Rings - Billiard Term Definition

Welcome to the billiard, pool, and snooker glossary of terms. This is the definition of Rings as it relates to cue sports. You can also view the entire billiard dictionary

Definition of Rings

Rings is a billiards term that is a part of Pool Cue Terminology.

The rings compose the portion of the pool cue below the collar and on the joint end of the shaft. The rings are used in order to protect and reinforce the joint portion of the pool cue, which tends to be very vulnerable and expensive to repair if damaged. In addition to their functional purpose, the rings are also used for fashion purposes also by enhancing the look of your pool cue. A common theme with rings is to duplicate the design down below the butt sleeve.

Rings - Usage

Those rings in your pool cue are simply amazing.

Billiards - Rings

  • Title: Rings
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 8/20/2008 7:13:30 PM

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