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Billiard Table Cover in Riverland Cafe Belgium

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Billiard Table Cover in Riverland Cafe Belgium

Billiard Table Cover in Riverland Cafe Belgium

Cafe "Vaartland" (the name means Riverland in Flemish/Dutch) along the main road leading into the town of Willebroek (situated in the province of Antwerp, Belgium).The men gather in the pubs and cafes on Sunday mornings to play cards or talk over some beers.It's a time to unwind, and joke about or play pranks on some poor unsuspecting devil. Many a time, I've fallen victim to such harmless pranks. In the old cafes & clubhouses of the Flemish and French speaking communities there are tales to be found and wonderful imagery.

Billiard Table cover here in a cafe in Belgium. The cover almost looks leather, but is not. If i was buying a pool table cover for my home billiard table, I'd damn sure want it to be leather. So much more classy and rugged.

Billiard Table Cover in Riverland Cafe Belgium

The billiard room photo titled "Billiard Table Cover in Riverland Cafe Belgium" was taken by Ange Soleil ( a.k.a Tweng ) on 2008-07-06 07:41:02.000 and uploaded to flickr on 2008-07-06 07:41:02.000. It was retrieved from a public flickr feed on 2008-07-07 17:01:58.000. The accompanying article was written and published by the Billiards Forum. The publish date of the text content is found below.

This page belongs to the Home Billiard Room Pictures category. Pictures from users and from around the internet showcasing different home billiard rooms.

  • Title: Billiard Table Cover in Riverland Cafe Belgium
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 7/23/2008 6:53:15 PM
  • Source: Flickr user contribution

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