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InsidePool 2012 Super Billiards Expo Live Stream

InsidePool 2012 Super Billiards Expo Live Stream

I hope you are watching the InsidePool live stream of the Super Billiards Expo live stream!

  • ustream.tv/insidepoolmag
  • InsidePOOL.tv

Super Billiards Expo Diamond Players Championship 2012 Live Streaming will start at 11am EST on March 8, 2012 and run through March 12, 2012 at InsidePOOL.tv

I was at the Expo yesterday. Saw Earl play twice! Wondered about the center table with the lights and mini cameras. I was told that it is a live stream baby!

Enjoy, and don't forget the semis and finals tomorrow!

InsidePool 2012 Super Billiards Expo Live Stream

Replies & Comments

  1. runoutbilliardsforum on 3/10/2012 3:06:54 PM

    ...here is the teaser ad:

    ...and some clips from the weekend:

    Rachael Abbink Interviews Billiard Star Ga Young Kim at the 2012 Super Billiards Expo:

    Rachael Abbink Interviews Shaun Wilkie:

    Rachael Abbink Interviews Vanessa L de la Cuetara at Super Billiards Expo:

    Rachael Abbink Interviews Canadian Player Tyler Edey at Super Billiards Expo:

    Rachael Abbink Interviews the Open Champion Chris Futrell

    Samm Diep Interviews Dawn Hopkins

    Rachael Abbink Interviews Laura Smith, Director of the Billiard Education Foundation (BEF)

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InsidePool 2012 Super Billiards Expo Live Stream

  • Title: InsidePool 2012 Super Billiards Expo Live Stream
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/10/2012 3:05:37 PM