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Does the "3 Consecutive Foul Rule" Apply if Other Player Fouls After My 2nd Foul?

Does the "3 Consecutive Foul Rule" Apply if Other Player Fouls After My 2nd Foul?

I would like clarification on this rule as it relates to Texas Express 9-Ball.

Does the "3 consecutive foul rule" in 9-ball apply if the other player fouls after my 2nd foul?

The 3 foul rule states in part:

"Three fouls in a row by the same player in a single game"

So the question is—If I have two consecutive fouls and my opponent then fouls, does that erase the two fouls and re-start my count?

Also, if I have two consecutive fouls and then shoot a good hit, does that re-start the foul count?

Thanks in advance.

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Does the "3 Consecutive Foul Rule" Apply if Other Player Fouls After My 2nd Foul?

Replies & Comments

  1. Sammy Hammerbilliardsforum on 1/23/2022 10:38:50 AM

    To answer each of your questions separately:

    If I have two consecutive fouls and my opponent then fouls, does that erase the two fouls and re-start my count?

    No. The consecutive foul count applies to each player's shots individually, within a single rack. Thus, your two fouls wouldn't be erased if and when your opponent commits a foul.

    If I have two consecutive fouls and then shoot a good hit, does that re-start the foul count?

    Yes. For the rule to apply, you must commit fouls on three of your consecutive shots. When you perform a shot that is free of a foul, your consecutive foul count resets to zero.

    Here is the applicable phrase from the World Pool-Billiard Association 9-Ball rules:

    6.14 Three Consecutive Fouls

    If a player fouls three times without making an intervening legal shot, it is a serious foul. In games scored by the rack, such as nine ball, the fouls must be in a single rack. Some games such as eight ball do not include this rule.

    The referee must warn a shooter who is on two fouls when he comes to the table that he is on two fouls. Otherwise a possible third foul will be considered to be only the second.

  2. Sammy HammerRayMills on 1/25/2022 1:42:06 AM

    Your first question doesn't come up much because if the opponent has fouled, the two-foul player now has the ultimate, favorable circumstance (ball-in-hand position) to not foul. The third foul wouldn't be brought on by the opponent's skillful defensive shot but, most probably, by the two-fouler's cueing accident.

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Does the "3 Consecutive Foul Rule" Apply if Other Player Fouls After My 2nd Foul?

  • Title: Does the "3 Consecutive Foul Rule" Apply if Other Player Fouls After My 2nd Foul?
  • Author: (Sam Haden)
  • Published: 1/22/2022 3:54:47 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/23/2022 10:28:50 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)