Shoot 8 Ball into Opponents Ball and Pocket Opponents Ball
12/5/2016 6:13:43 PM
Shoot 8 Ball into Opponents Ball and Pocket Opponents Ball
In 8 ball, the opponent has only the 8 ball remaining, and I have one object ball remaining.
It is the opponent's turn and all he has to do is put the 8-ball in from where he spotted it.
If the opponent hits the 8 ball and it hits your ball and pockets it, and the 8 ball remains on the table, do I win the game?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Shoot 8 Ball into Opponents Ball and Pocket Opponents Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/6/2016 8:46:03 AM
Let me make sure that I understand your question correctly:
Your opponent hit his 8 ball first, then the 8 ball hit your object ball and pocketed it, and the 8 ball remained on the table. Correct? My answer is based on that situation.
Nobody has won the game at this point. Your opponent's inning ends and your inning begins at the table.
He made a "legal shot" but since he failed to pocket his intended ball, it is now your turn at the table. You are now shooting to make the 8 ball.
A legal shot, under most rules, is when:
- You make clean contact between cue tip and cue ball,
- The first ball contact is between the cue ball and a legal object ball (e.g. a ball from your own group)
- After contact between cue ball and legal object ball, at least one ball on the table either (a) contacts a rail or (b) falls into a pocket.
Shoot 8 Ball into Opponents Ball and Pocket Opponents Ball
- Title: Shoot 8 Ball into Opponents Ball and Pocket Opponents Ball
- Author: loln592
- Published: 12/5/2016 6:13:43 PM
- Last Updated: 12/6/2016 8:22:35 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)