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Making a Defensive Shot to Move Opponent's Ball Out of Line With a Pocket

Making a Defensive Shot to Move Opponent's Ball Out of Line With a Pocket

Would it be considered legal in a game of 8-ball if:

  1. The cue ball hits one of your own balls first
  2. Then the ball you've just hit hits one of your opponent's balls
  3. This knocks the opponent's ball into a position where they cannot easily pot that ball

I'm not asking if this would work (it has), but rather, I'm asking if its against the rules or not.

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Making a Defensive Shot to Move Opponent's Ball Out of Line With a Pocket

Replies & Comments

  1. user1647894838RayMills on 3/22/2022 6:52:08 PM

    This is legal as long as no other fouls occur, such as if no balls on the table touch a cushion or are pocketed. (Pocketed cue- or 8-balls are their own fouls.)

    However, using the word "legal" implies that something should never be done. Everything (short of committing sportsmanship violations) done on the table can have circumstances where the ball-in-hand penalty is worth the foul, such as the above example, or even in a non-foul situation where a critical ball is purposely pocketed and/or spotted. This is playing the percentages that the act will probably impede the opponent's next shot, or even prevent him from winning.

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Making a Defensive Shot to Move Opponent's Ball Out of Line With a Pocket

  • Title: Making a Defensive Shot to Move Opponent's Ball Out of Line With a Pocket
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/21/2022 1:33:59 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/25/2022 5:03:57 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)