Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks Another of Your Balls After Pocketing Your Called Ball?
9/20/2007 11:26:24 PM
Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks Another of Your Balls After Pocketing Your Called Ball?
is it a foul if the cue ball hits and sinks another of your balls after pocketing your called ball?
For example, I am shooting stripes, and I call and pocket a striped ball in the called pocket, and after that, the cue ball rolls into another striped ball and sinks it (but I didn't call that 2nd ball or pocket).
Is that a foul in 8 ball rules?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks Another of Your Balls After Pocketing Your Called Ball?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/2/2007 11:20:04 AM
It will all depend on whether you are playing a call-shot version of 8 ball or not. Some "No-Slop" rules wouldn't allow that to happen without calling the specifics.
But according to the World Pool-Billiard Association rules for eight ball pool, it is not a foul.
- As long as you hit any one of your own object balls first, and pocket the called ball into the called pocket, then it isn't a foul and your inning continues at the table.
- It doesn't matter if the extra pocketed object ball was one of yours or one of your opponent's.
- The extra object ball you pocketed remains pocketed.
Here are the applicable WPA 8 Ball rules (with emphasis for clarity):
8 Ball is a "call shot" game. Section 1.6 Standard Call Shot of the WPA 8 Ball rules tells us several things:
- The player only needs to call one of their object balls and it's intended target pocket.
- Extra detail, such as "other balls contacted or pocketed are irrelevant".
1.6 Standard Call Shot
In games in which the shooter is required to call shots, the intended ball and pocket must be indicated for each shot if they are not obvious. Details of the shot, such as cushions struck or other balls contacted or pocketed are irrelevant. Only one ball may be called on each shot.
Section 3.7, Spotting Balls, tells us that incidentally pocketed object balls are never spotted back on the table.
3.7 Spotting Balls (8 Ball)
If the eight ball is pocketed or driven off the table on the break, it will be spotted or the balls will be re-racked. (See 3.3 Break Shot and 1.4 Spotting Balls.) No other object ball is ever spotted.
Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks Another of Your Balls After Pocketing Your Called Ball?
- Title: Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks Another of Your Balls After Pocketing Your Called Ball?
- Author: AndyV (Andy Vanbean)
- Published: 9/20/2007 11:26:24 PM
- Last Updated: 12/9/2022 7:53:10 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)