Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks an Opponent's Ball After Legally Pocketing Your Own Ball
9/18/2007 7:07:37 PM
Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks an Opponent's Ball After Legally Pocketing Your Own Ball
Is it a foul if the cue ball sinks an opponent's ball after legally pocketing your own ball?
For example, let's say that I am shooting stripes and I hit the cue ball into a striped ball and knock it into the designated pocket. After I pocket my striped object ball and while the cue ball is still bouncing around, it hits a solid ball and knocks it into a pocket.
Is that considered a foul since the opponent's object ball wasn't called as part of the shot or is it legal to do that and the shooter still keeps their turn?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks an Opponent's Ball After Legally Pocketing Your Own Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/20/2007 8:37:23 PM
Your inning continues in this case because you have struck one of your own object balls first and pocketed it into the called pocket.
This question is a duplicate of What if you Pocket Your Ball and Your Opponent's Ball?, which has already been answered in detail. See the first answer for a detailed breakdown of how the WPA rules apply.
In summary, if you hit your ball first and make the shot, then it is still your turn and you may keep playing.
Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks an Opponent's Ball After Legally Pocketing Your Own Ball
- Title: Is it a Foul if the Cue Ball Sinks an Opponent's Ball After Legally Pocketing Your Own Ball
- Author: user1190142457
- Published: 9/18/2007 7:07:37 PM
- Last Updated: 12/9/2022 7:39:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)