Calling a "kiss" off an Opponent's Ball and Into a Pocket
6/25/2017 7:23:07 AM
Calling a "kiss" off an Opponent's Ball and Into a Pocket
Is it a ball-in-hand foul if I call my object ball in a pocket and it goes into the pocket that I call but, my object ball "kisses" off of my opponent's ball?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Calling a "kiss" off an Opponent's Ball and Into a Pocket
Replies & Comments
ranger on 2/17/2018 9:16:26 AM
In most rule systems this is a legal scenario. In older more strict rules it would not be a "foul" but would not count for your turn to continue (just the same as if you accidentally made one of your balls you didn’t aim for).
In APA 8 ball rules, if the right ball goes in the right pocket, what happens along the way doesn’t negate it. I would defer to experts though.
Oh one other thought, in all systems I know of, if you CALL it that way, and strike your object ball first, it is totally legal as far as I know. Look up "carom" shots in your systems rules.
jfitch on 3/20/2018 8:34:28 PM
Only in "bar rules" do you have to call a shot in detail. Any league with call shot will only require you to call the ball and pocket.
And even if you didn't make the called shot, it would not be a foul to pocket something you didn't call. Your turn would simply end.
Calling a "kiss" off an Opponent's Ball and Into a Pocket
- Title: Calling a "kiss" off an Opponent's Ball and Into a Pocket
- Author: jaycee13
- Published: 6/25/2017 7:23:07 AM
- Last Updated: 6/25/2017 5:46:51 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)