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Ball Hanging Over a Pocket

Ball Hanging Over a Pocket

Pretty sure I know the answer, but will ask anyways.

The scenario: Player A is at one end of the table shooting the 8-ball. He sinks the 8-ball and sends the cue ball to the far corner pocket. It hangs there for a second or two before Player A (the shooter) gently hits his fist onto the corner of the table opposite the cue ball. The ball then falls in the pocket.

To me, although him hitting the table gently with his fist very likely had nothing to do with the ball falling into the pocket, it would still be a loss of game? The cue ball scratched on his shot as well as the player interfered with the table??


Ball Hanging Over a Pocket

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Ball Hanging Over a Pocket

  • Title: Ball Hanging Over a Pocket
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/22/2024 7:09:12 PM