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Pool-Player Billiard Forum Profile Avatar Image
42 reputation ?
853 people reached


User Status

  • Offline
  • Last seen 12 years ago
  • Member for 12 years
  • 853 profile views
  • Member #3149

About Me

Since entering the professional pool tour about 2 years ago my major tour accomplishments are: 1st in the Joss Tour Finale & The Reno Sands Regency Tournament. 2nd in The Glass City Open & the UPA Pro Tour Championship. Also in 2004 I was voted UPA Rookie of the Year. I am currently marketing my own line of instructional DVD's and a Kid Delicious cue line made by Pechauer. Sports Illustrated found my life story in the pool world compelling enough to write a feature article about it. It was in the February 14th 2005 Superbowl edition, "The Amazing Adventures of Kid Delicious and Bristol Bob". Recently that led to Lions Gate Productions signing a deal for my life rights to make a movie based on my life as a pool player. As of October I am ranked #1 in the Billiards Digest Pro Tour Rankings.

Hobbies: Billiards, Motorcycles, Beer.

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