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Weekly 9 Ball Tourney at Orange Ball Billiards in Rockville, MD

Weekly 9 Ball Tourney at Orange Ball Billiards in Rockville, MD

Every Wednesday night in Rockville, MD at Orange Ball Billiards, there is a $25-entry-fee 9-ball tournament, double elimination. This is a very popular weekly get-together, and you never know who's going to pop in from time to time.

Alcohol, a full bar with beer and booze, good food, and no smoking allowed.

Weekly 9 Ball Tourney at Orange Ball Billiards in Rockville, MD

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Weekly 9 Ball Tourney at Orange Ball Billiards in Rockville, MD

  • Title: Weekly 9 Ball Tourney at Orange Ball Billiards in Rockville, MD
  • Author: (Jennie Malloy)
  • Published: 12/5/2006 4:02:34 PM