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"The Leofric" Billiard Dining Table Combo For Sale

"The Leofric" Billiard Dining Table Combo For Sale

I have an 8x5 pool table / dining table for sale made from mahogany with slate bed and leather pockets. It has large mahogany covers to convert to large dinning table when not in use.

Made by Adams of Coventry "The Leofric".

In excellent condition one owner from new.

Table is in Coventry You can contact me on 07581 341716

"The Leofric" Billiard Dining Table Combo For Sale

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"The Leofric" Billiard Dining Table Combo For Sale

  • Title: "The Leofric" Billiard Dining Table Combo For Sale
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/20/2012 5:26:43 AM