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Gold Crown IV Tables & Accessories for Sale RI $1500 EA

Gold Crown IV Tables & Accessories for Sale RI $1500 EA

I have 10 Brunswick Gold Crown IV pool tables (with drop pockets) for sale. Each with Brunswick cues, Centennial billiard balls in boxes, bridge, pool stick racks, pool table lights, and pool table brushes.

$1500.00 per table with all accessories if all tables purchased at one time. If interested in all or more than one, we can talk.

I also have several round pub tables, stools, light sconces, etc... which are also available.

All of the billiard equipment and tables are currently in storage, and will need to be delivered, set up, and felted.

Located in Rhode Island. The pool tables could be delivered depending on situation.

Call (401) six six oh-six nine oh five


Gold Crown IV Tables & Accessories for Sale RI $1500 EA

Replies & Comments

  1. RoscoCathyVanAlstine on 6/7/2016 10:50:47 AM

    It's a good price you are offering. I hope you get the item sold sooner then expected. Personally I would prefer a new Gold Crown IV. Buying a pool table from a well known and reliable company is usually a better experience.

  2. RoscoYeah Righr on 3/3/2017 2:52:19 AM

    Still have any tables? I'm looking for one.

  3. Roscouser1492473271 on 4/17/2017 7:54:32 PM

    Hi Joe,

    Sorry to be asking so late but do you have Gold Crown IV's left?


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Gold Crown IV Tables & Accessories for Sale RI $1500 EA

  • Title: Gold Crown IV Tables & Accessories for Sale RI $1500 EA
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/4/2016 9:41:57 AM