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Full Size Fischer Pool Table - Excellent Condition. $700 Obo

Full Size Fischer Pool Table - Excellent Condition. $700 Obo

Full size Fischer pool table - Excellent condition. All accessories included.

Serial number: A57328


Full Size Fischer Pool Table - Excellent Condition. $700 Obo

Replies & Comments

  1. PlayonAlan Bayless on 5/4/2021 8:43:50 AM

    Is this Fischer pool table still available, and if so, where is it located?

    I think this is the exact same table I have, but mine is an old arcade, coin operated model. The serial number on mine is 75442 (with no letter preceding the numbers as I have seen on most postings).

    The slate is broken and it is marked on the underside with the possible date 4,68.

    I am currently looking for a piece of slate to replace the broken one, then re-felt the table and cushions.

  2. PlayonRayMills on 5/5/2021 1:51:46 AM

    You haven't said where you are located, either.

    There's a free pool table slate available on Craigslist in Skagit County, Washington.

  3. PlayonAlan Bayless on 5/5/2021 7:02:16 AM

    I'm located in Missouri, home state to the original Fischer manufacturing city, Tipton!

    I live in Farmington, approximately one hour south of St. Louis. That's a long way from Washington state, but I really appreciate the information :)

    So, where is the original poster's pool table located, if it's still for sale?

  4. PlayonRayMills on 5/5/2021 4:51:22 PM

    I don't know. The original post is 14 months old.

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Full Size Fischer Pool Table - Excellent Condition. $700 Obo

  • Title: Full Size Fischer Pool Table - Excellent Condition. $700 Obo
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/23/2020 4:04:06 PM