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Antique English Bar Billiard Table for Sale in Los Angeles, CA

Antique English Bar Billiard Table for Sale in Los Angeles, CA

I have an antique bar billiard table that I want to get rid of. I am located in Los Angeles, CA.

It is approximately 7 feet long and 3 feet wide. I started restoration on it and it is 95% complete. I will sell cheap, e.g. for $800.

This photo is not the actual table but almost identical. If anyone is interested I can dig out of garage and take actual photos.

UPDATE 2011-02-16 - Item is no longer for sale.

Antique English Bar Billiard Table for Sale in Los Angeles, CA

Replies & Comments

  1. del00002020OjaiDavid on 5/21/2010 5:49:25 PM

    Billy, your telephone mailbox is full. I will try and call you again but i live in Los Angeles and would eb interested in the table.

    My email is OjaiDavid@aol.com



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Antique English Bar Billiard Table for Sale in Los Angeles, CA

  • Title: Antique English Bar Billiard Table for Sale in Los Angeles, CA
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/20/2010 2:47:03 PM