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American Heritage Camden Pool Table for Sale Crystal Lake, IL

American Heritage Camden Pool Table for Sale Crystal Lake, IL

Amazing American Heritage pool table for sale in Crystal Lake, IL because original owner has moved.

This is a 8' Camden American Heritage Pool Table. This pool table was re-felted and re-bumpered 8 months ago and has seen little use since. This pool table was made with American maple hardwood with a cherry stain.

The table is located in Crystal Lake and Transport of the table is not included. There are many local moving companies that can move the table for a few hundred dollars. Contact via email or 773 610 7577

2500$ OBO

American Heritage Camden Pool Table for Sale Crystal Lake, IL

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American Heritage Camden Pool Table for Sale Crystal Lake, IL

  • Title: American Heritage Camden Pool Table for Sale Crystal Lake, IL
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/16/2013 3:41:32 PM