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6 Gold Crown Snooker Tables for Sale in Montreal $3000 EA

6 Gold Crown Snooker Tables for Sale in Montreal $3000 EA

I have SIX, full size 6 X 12 , Brunswick Gold Crown snooker tables for sale - $3000 each

They are presently assembled in an old pool hall in Montreal.

It includes: Balls with tray; a few cues; and a large wooden score board with chalkboard - Value of $500

Purchase price does not includes delivery and installation. Located in Montreal, Canada.

Please contact me to discuss delivery or shipping options.

Email: markchikhani@sympatico.ca

They retail for a little over $9000 each.

6 Gold Crown Snooker Tables for Sale in Montreal $3000 EA

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6 Gold Crown Snooker Tables for Sale in Montreal $3000 EA

  • Title: 6 Gold Crown Snooker Tables for Sale in Montreal $3000 EA
  • Author: (Mark Chikhani)
  • Published: 9/23/2011 9:17:45 AM