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Price for 3 Brunswick Centennial Pool Tables

Price for 3 Brunswick Centennial Pool Tables

There are three up at the pool hall my grandpa works at and the owner wants to sell them, he knows nothing about the internet and i know nothing about pool tables so i was wondering if anyone on here could give me an estimate.

Sorry I don't have pics yet but they are in good condition, not mint, but good. I will get more info on these tables soon if anyone is interested I just really don't know how much they go for.

I've seen prices online from 12 grand to 6 so I have no idea what to even ask.

Price for 3 Brunswick Centennial Pool Tables

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Price for 3 Brunswick Centennial Pool Tables

  • Title: Price for 3 Brunswick Centennial Pool Tables
  • Author: (Robert Albright)
  • Published: 9/8/2009 5:19:23 AM