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Playmaster Renaissance 7' Table

Playmaster Renaissance 7' Table

I have a playmaster renaissance 7' table and I know a couple of people who are interested in buying it - I was wondering if anyone could recommend a fair price at which to sell? Sorry for lack of info; I dont know much about it as you may have gathered but it is in very good condition and I have a few pictures if anyone thinks they could help by taking a look.

Katie katie@concreteplanet.com

Playmaster Renaissance 7' Table

Replies & Comments

  1. katieguest on 4/8/2010 8:05:52 PM

    $1200.00 would be a fair price.

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Playmaster Renaissance 7' Table

  • Title: Playmaster Renaissance 7' Table
  • Author: (Katie Gibson)
  • Published: 2/17/2010 8:42:08 AM